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Belleair Beach approve the purchase of an electronic sign

Last updated on August 6, 2021

Belleair approves electronic sign

Belleair Beach’s city council vote to approve the purchase of an electronic sign at a July 12 meeting. By a narrow 4-to-3 margin, council members endorsed the purchase and recommended the purchase. Belleair Beach council members went along with the city’s communications committee’s recommendation. Carried the day.

The advisory board said the city should “use as many ways to communicate as you can.” Suppose this is one of the techniques elected officials. Plan to use to communicate with their constituents. The plan needs some tweaking.

Councilman Gunn, whose idea was to purchase the electronic sign, said it is “the first thing people see when entering Belleair Beach and the last thing they see when leaving the city via the causeway.” He’s right. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. I’m just not sure a LED electronic sign is a good first impression.

Other council members voted to approve the new sign. Included Dave Gattis, Leslie Notaro, and Rita Swope.

Councilwomen Rita Swope said she had heard from many residents on the electronic sign and a lot more favored it than were opposed. Hopefully, Belleair Beach will consider its placement. Since digital marketing billboards in Florida have increased crash rates of over 25 percent in areas visually influenced by digital billboards.

“Heard from a lot of residents.” A blanket statement like this usually is intended to make a grand point about how right the person making the statement might be.

Gunn continued, the electronic sign, especially the more expensive version he proposed, “shows what a premier city looks like,” “It’s very tasteful and artistic and in keeping with technology.”

But, again, I’m not sure a 12 feet wide sign with 3 feet by 6 feet electronic LED flashing billboard topped off with an ornamental focal point in the shape of a wave. Shouts tasteful or artistic?

Council members Robyn Ache, Frank Bankard, and Mayor Manzo were opposed to the sign.

Manzo, who voted against the sign, said. “We pride ourselves in being a traditional community, all residential and no businesses, and then we put up a very modern sign. It’s a beautiful sign, but it’s not something for this community,” and a digital sign would “cheapen the city.”

I have no dog in this hunt, given that I live in a Belleair that prefers to spend a half-million in tax dollars on a needless roundabout. Nevertheless, I must agree with Mr. Manzo. Digital LED signs aren’t a fit for the Belleair’s!

According to TBN. “There has been no sign in front of City Hall since the old monument sign was damaged in a storm last September.”

By the way, since I’m paying attention to my driving, I never once in 20 plus years read what the old sign said. Of course, that doesn’t mean Belleair Beach should have new welcome signage. But I think Digital LED signs may be a better fit for a pawn shop or a gentleman’s club!

The sign approved by the Belleair Beach council is similar but smaller than the electronic in front of Redington Shores Town Hall will cost $33,500.

In 2019 Redington Shores commissioners approved buying their electronic sign costing around $30,000. The town of Indian Shores also has an electronic sign.


One Comment

  1. Debra Maul Debra Maul

    I couldn’t agree more as I am one of the many residents who have opposed this type of sign in Belleair Beach since it was first discussed years ago. Both Indian Shores and Redington Shores are high short-term rental communities. Belleair Beach does not allow short-term rentals. Also, both of these cities have lots of commerce. Belleair Beach does not. They also welcome people from other cities to participate in their city-sponsored activities. The very few city-sponsored activities that Belleair Beach has, are not open to people outside the city so I don’t see the need to advertise to all the non-citizens who drive by city hall. If Glen Gunn thinks Indian Shores and Redington Shores are premier cities perhaps he should have bought a house there. A digital sign cheapens city and is old technology. We need forward-looking people on our council, not people who copy old outdated ideas from other cities.

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