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Belleair Bluffs Commissioners Being Challenged.

Last updated on July 10, 2021

Long-serving Commissioners

Belleair Bluff’s long-serving commissioners Jack Nazario and Suzy Sofer are, for the first in five years these Bluff are being challenged.

The Mayor seat a position the current mayor has held since 2001 is also up for election this year. Regrettably, he is running unopposed. When I say regrettably, it’s not because I think he’s an ineffective mayor. I believe uncontested political races are undemocratic?

In 2008 Nazario was the political newcomer, while Sofer, who owned the Cody’s Roadhouse in Belleair Bluffs, was chairperson of the firefighter pension board and serves on the beautification board.

The challenger Steve McNally is the new kid on the block regarding city politics. Steve would be a new set of eyes, something many Belleair Bluffs residents believe is required.

Belleair Bluffs

Although this will be Mr. McNally’s first attempt at running for a political office, McNally has very active. Attending countless town meetings over the last several years. He spoke out on the utility tax’s proposed hike, which he opposed, preferring to reduce the property tax rate last year to the rollback rate. The commissioners voted to increase the utility tax to finance ongoing road projects and left the millage rate unchanged.

Like most surrounding towns, Belleair Bluffs has no term limits. This fact alone makes it unrealistic not to believe there isn’t some manner of favoritism? Commissioner Sofer or Nazario have been commissioners for 11 years.

Sadly, throughout any election campaign, the air is full of promises and speeches — and vice versa.

In contrast, politicians are expected to represent their constituents’ preferences. But many locals feel our local officials don’t always serve the public interest of all residents and lack transparency.

I was unable to ascertain how many votes were cast for recent Belleair Bluffs Commissioner‘s elections. But, with local voter turnout at less than 20%. No matter who you think is best for your town. Every vote is significant. Belleair’s current Mayor Katica. Won the mayoral election on March 13, 2018, with 831 votes.

Therefore, if you believe you’re being treated fairly and equitably by your elected officials, or if for whatever reason you feel you aren’t and need change. Go out and vote.

Just like engagement with town officials should start by them directly asking residents questions. But since this isn’t the rule but the exception. We need to engage them!

Citizens stand the best chance of having a great town. Is when all residents have collective ownership over town decisions.

So, no matter your choice for your next Belleair Bluffs commissioners. Do a little research on the candidates, Jack Nazario  Suzy Sofer ask them questions, put your mask on, and vote.

The election is March 9, 2021.


One Comment

  1. JoAnne Reinhart JoAnne Reinhart

    I have attended many meetings, especially when the topic was taxes and adding a new Utility Tax onto our electric Bill. Commissioner Nazario told those present at one meeting that if we could not afford the utility tax to open our windows. When would the additional utility tax be the highest? In the summer months and who opened their windows when the humidity is at its highest? He is out of touch with reality and lacks common sense.

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