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LPGA Tournament Notice

Last updated on July 10, 2021

I just received a new letter from the Town of Belleair. Regarding, what else, but the LPGA tournament. In the past 10 to 15 years, other than my utility bill. I can count on one hand the correspondences I have received from Belleair.

I can’t be sure who paid for the mailing? It does seem the letter came from Belleair Beach? Not that that matters.

Nor does it matter who composed it. Whose idea it was to send it, who printed it, or who paid the postage What matters is the Town of Belleair Commission signs the letter.

Saying, “In order to best inform our residents, the Town is sending letters and posting to social media to distribute key information about the Pelican Women’s Championship.” 

You mean to tell me the Town of Belleair Commission. It can alert the whole town regarding a game that has no real impact on residents. Yet refuse to find an effective method to notify residents. About issues that have actual consequences and can influence their lives for years?

I spent more time in the pool hall than in the study hall. Still, I can come up with numerous methods to better communicate with Belleair residents. All of which are painless and none of which cost an arm and a leg. Communication techniques that will allow officials to remove the veil of secrecy and better communicate with their constituents.

When they say, no news is good news. It depends on the story!

  • The most oblivious communication mechanism is e-blast alerts. Along with employees of the month info. Why not notices on town meetings or critical issues that impact all of us?

Treasure Island residents can receive emergency notifications by home phone, cell phone, text message, or email.

  • Surly Belleair has a data base chock full of emails. Using a service like Constant Contact, one person can compose several emails and schedule them on certain days? I thought Parks & Recreation’s website used CC?
  • A service like Alert Solutions maybe a solution?
  • Facebook has a feature called “local alerts,” available to all US governments and first responders who run a Facebook Page.
  • Use the Belleair Living Magazine?
  • Many residents report they made aware of town meetings and agendas through the Belleair Bee. Belleair has a very close collaboration with the publisher. A simple newspaper circular or inserts. Would be better than
  • As shown today. What wrong with using the USPS.


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