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Do Town Commissioners Have Resident’s Best Interest?

Last updated on July 27, 2024

Do Town Commissioners Have Resident’s Best Interest

How can all Town Commissioners have the resident’s best interest? When according to city attorney Ottinger, commissioners have no obligation to disclose a private transaction that represents no conflict of interest.” The question is, what does city attorney Ottinger consider a conflict of interest? Or even potential conflicts of interest?

I’m sure most all town commissioners are honorable individuals. That many have established social connections with members of many Belleair families. Something that may be hard to separate?

When considering approving the Doyle offer? Every request. From the sale to changes from the initial plans. Instead of giving the appearance of a potential conflict of interest. Simple recuse themselves?

How is it the Pelican Golf LLC now the owners? Of the former Belleview Biltmore Golf Club. At the time, owned by Belleair, having a 10-year lease agreement. With Green Golf Partners. Would file an LLC called Pelican Golf LLC on 1/15/2016. Nearly two weeks before Town Manager Maxwell. Said he’d received an offer from Pelican Golf LLC. To buy the Belleview Biltmore. From the Town of Belleair? How is this possible?

Town officials approve every request

When the fact is certain town officials? Who approved the original sale of Belleview Biltmore and every request since. Are invited to go to New York on private jets paid by the Doyle family to accompany them on golf outings?

After voting to approve Doyle’s request for the latest improvements of more cottages for the club. Only a few days later. Sell a home he owned overlooking the Pelican Golf Club to a Doyle for $1.65 million. 

Another town commissioner who voted yes on Pelican Golf LLC requests. Who has access to political information? The same commissioner that approved the initial sale of Belleview Biltmore. Now working as the membership director for the Pelican’s Golf Club. How can the city attorney not disqualify them or insist they recuse themselves?

The same commissioner that said. “If people don’t like what I am doing for them, they can vote me out of office.”

Needs of Belleair Residents

That’s great, but in the meantime, they can use their position for their benefit and disregard the needs of Belleair residents?

Town Attorney Ottinger stated he’s aware of the issues and has been involved in the past. However, still allows Town Commissioners employed by someone doing business (Doyle) with the town.

Mayor Gary Katica was the first to speak in support of the sale. Even while reviewing the sale request for the Belleview Biltmore, Mayor Katica said. Dan Doyle Jr. has dressed up as Santa Claus during Christmas and delivered presents to families; he’s also donated vehicles to the town.

Therefore, are we to presume? Because someone dresses up as Saint-Nicholas. Belleair should not have marketed the golf course or looked for additional offers? Was this a solid administrative move and rational business choice?

Above all, when Belleair sold the Belleview Biltmore golf course, they had a 10-year lease agreement with Green Golf Partners. This lease agreement made the golf course a profitable asset for all residents of Belleair. Honoring the 10-year lease could have generated a net profit of $6 to 10 million for Belleair?

Does anyone think any Belleair official? Would consider selling real estate. Without listing it and trying to get the best possible price?



  1. Wicked Witch Wicked Witch

    Well, if the facts involved fail to meet the statutory definition of a “conflict of interest,” then, as a general matter, I would agree with Mr. Ottinger, because there’s nothing to disclose.

    On the other hand, if, instead, the facts give rise to the mere “appearance” of a conflict on the part of a public official, as opposed to an actual conflict, then said official would be required to disclose such facts and abstain from voting on the related matter; however, Florida law does provide an exception in such a scenario if a quorum would not be possible without his or her vote. As discussed elsewhere, I do believe this was the situation when one of our commissioners sold that house overlooking the Pelican.

    As for Mayor Katica, although I did not know him personally, after listening to him speak during so many town meetings, I developed a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for him, and, yes, it’s true that he made decisions based on his instincts, but who can fault anyone for that? As far as I’m concerned, the next expensive park bench Belleair decides to install in a prime location should be dedicated in his honor, and personally, I would be happy to sponsor that.

  2. Brandy Brandy

    Civil officials should not make decisions based on instincts, but what is best for citizens. And yes I can fault someone for that! Another expensive park bench. Brilliant!! Why not install it in the million dollar roundabout?

  3. Belleair Bob Belleair Bob

    It’s unfortunate most residents of Belleair could care less what their elected officials do until it’s too late. The non-bid sale of the golf course and the leasing of park land to the Belleair Country Club are just two examples.

    And now we have a confusing and ridiculous charter amendment designed to protect the police department? All five commissioners voted 5-0 in favor of the ordinance which included Commissioner Colleen Chaney who is married to BPD officer LT. Randall Chaney. Why did she not recuse herself from the vote?

    The current police budget is $2,050,000. That’s up 49% from 5 years ago. In 2015 there were 14 employees and now there are 20 BPD employees including a detective. Why does this tiny town have a detective? It’s out of control thanks to a cop-crazy group of commissioners who don’t mind wasting taxpayer dollars. There’s a good reason Belleair Beach, Belleair Bluffs, Dunedin, Madeira Beach and Oldsmar jettisoned their police forces and contracted with the sheriff’s office. The main reason was to save money but the sheriff’s office offers more resources and better trained officers than what the BPD can offer.

    In addition to the police, the town should get out of the water business and allow the county to take that over. Reverse osmosis is hugely expensive and any commissioner touting that kind of system has an ulterior motive.

    Maybe we should all start talking about term limits for our commissioners and perhaps we get a new town manager? Just an idea.

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